Best Books To Read For Your Finances

Books are like manuals to life. The best books are distilled knowledge passed down from notable individuals who’ve spent years mastering their topic. Learning from them is like acquiring a tutorial.

Unsurprisingly, many of us need these manuals desperately, especially in one of the most significant factors of our life: money. Despite its all-encompassing importance and ever-increasing complexity, there’s surprisingly little that’s being taught to children about this critical topic.

Thus, the most inclined of us turn to other forms of learning, such as books. But there are literally thousands of books out there – which ones should you read?

That’s what we’re here for. This article will discuss the five best money management books of all time so that you can begin your financial literacy journey.

Best Financial Literacy Books for Managing Your Finances

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Framed as a memoir of Robert Kiyosaki’s early childhood, Rich Dad Poor Dad is a creative and engaging read that teaches personal finance in ways that stick.

In this book, Kiyosaki shares lessons that he gleaned from growing up, specifically in the difference between how most people (his Poor Dad) and entrepreneurs (his Rich Dad) think.

He highlights the need for individuals to correctly identify what aspects of their lives make them money (assets) and which takes money away from them (liabilities). More importantly, he teaches an important lesson: that with enough knowledge, grit, and creativity, anyone can make money out of nothing.

There’s a reason that this book is still popular twenty years from its time, and that’s because its engaging stories contain valuable lessons that will continue to be relevant years into the future.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

This is another of the enduring classics in the topic of financial management. If you want to know time-tested ways of building your wealth through stocks, look no further than The Intelligent Investor.

Credited by Warren Buffet himself, the Intelligent Investor is a classic treatise about how one should manage their investment over time. It’s a dense book – a manual that explains the tactic to the tee and delivers invaluable lessons so long as you can get through its textbook-like structure.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

At its core, money is inherently a socio-psychological concept. So if you want to know more about why people (including you) act the way they do about money, the Psychology of Money is an essential read.

This book contains lessons that help you decipher the most common attitudes and behaviors regarding money, told through 19 short stories. Each of these stories illustrates a common behavior but also a lesson.

Whether it’s about the strange ways people decide, the crazy ways millionaires implode, or the most boring secret to becoming rich, The Psychology of Money discloses it all in informative, bite-sized chunks.

This book doesn’t contain a manual on how to manage your portfolio, but it seeks to improve the most fundamental aspect of money management; our way of thinking.

The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco

The Millionaire Fastlane has a unique voice, and it says one thing: you can get rich fast – but you can’t get rich easily.

MJ Demarco is an author that has walked the talk. He started from scratch, was born in a middle-class family, and attained his “top 1%” status purely from trial and error.

There are plenty of lessons and unique insights that such an interesting life can give. Still, the main takeaway when it comes to financial management is this: if you want to create wealth explosively, you must have limitless creativity, unstoppable drive, and pure grit.

Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

Tim Ferris explores an interesting concept that he calls the New Rich. He argues that instead of having massive wealth, the main riches that you can have are time and experiences.

As such, this book is about how you can build a successful and sustainable business, all the while being in total control of your time and effort. Like the previous author, Ferris also had a variety of successful business models before he became an author and can attest to the effectiveness of the various tactics that he discloses in his book.

If you want to utilize creative ways to earn money and control your time, the Four Hour Workweek promises exactly that.

Reading the Best Books About Money

Reading books won’t immediately help you manage your finances or help you become financially secure. After all, there’s no magic formula to success – you still have to put on the hard work and use your creativity and intelligence.

Nevertheless, books do help.

Great books may give us valuable knowledge that we can apply to our daily lives, but the best books impact us in profound ways that give us a leg up towards fulfilling our potential. You might just find such a book from the selection in this article.