How To Avoid Internet Money Scams

4 Costly Habits That Are Keeping You In Debt

Turkey turmoiling lira plunges to record low

Apple Pay Carries Your Wallet For You

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Republic Wireless Giveaway Phone Service

Republic Wireless is having a smashing giveaway that offers consumers the opportunity to win a phone with three months of service. But wait! That’s not all. The company is currently doing a price plan makeover that gives its customers the...

Exchange Trends In China Are A Mess

Exchange trends in China are a mess because they are having a hard time with exchange rates and people trading on their currency so fast that they cannot keep up. They have even tried to put a moratorium on currency...

US Unemployment Rate Hits Record-High Due To COVID-19

If you think the world is properly handling this COVID-19 pandemic well, think again. Even the United States of America, one of the most powerful nations on the planet, has been having a hard time dealing with the effects of...

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Save Money

It’s nice to be able to save money every now and then, but these days, that’s easier said than done. Sadly, a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, many times without even knowing why. Are you one of those...

Good Reads

5 Best Work From Home Jobs In 2020

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see people earning full-time income from the comforts of their own abode. In fact, we’ve already covered some examples of popular online jobs before on the blog. We’ve also provided an intro to work from...

4 Simple Ways To Save Money During A Pandemic

As of April 2020, over 2 million people worldwide have already been affected by the new coronavirus disease 2019, also known as COVID-19. People from all over the world are dealing with nationwide lockdowns, community quarantine protocols, and other rules...

Basic Economics Is Causing Large Problems As Wal-Mart Raises Minimum Wage

It seems that Walmart is being forced to cut hours as part of a desperate attempt to cover the wage hike this year. We all remember how people who were working low paid service jobs marched in a bid to...

How to avoid getting burned by devastating financial malpractice

Modern advancements have made great strides in many sectors of society currently, but one of the most consequential is the extension of expected lifespans. Medical advancements as well as expanded access to nutritious food and clean water globally means that...